Home Black Stats Race and Ethnicity in London Statistics

Race and Ethnicity in London Statistics


London is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and the most in Europe. In 2007 there were over 300 languages spoken in it and more than 50 non-indigenous communities with a population of more than 10,000.
At the 2011 census London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were white British 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe.

Ethnicity No. of People Percentage of Total
White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 3669284 44.9
White: Irish 175974 2.2
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 8196 0.1
White: Other White 1033981 12.6
White: Total 4887435 59.8
Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black Caribbean 119425 1.5
Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black African 65479 0.8
Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Asian 101500 1.2
Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Mixed 118875 1.5
Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Total 405279 5
Asian/Asian British: Indian 542857 6.6
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 223797 2.7
Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi 222127 2.7
Asian/Asian British: Chinese 124250 1.5
Asian/Asian British: Other Asian 398515 4.9
Asian/Asian British: Total 1511546 18.4
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African 573931 7
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Caribbean 344597 4.2
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Other Black 170112 2.1
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Total 1088640 13.3
Other ethnic group: Arab 106020 1.3
Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group 175021 2.1
Other ethnic group: Total 281041 3.4
Total 8173941 100