Home Europe Black Organisations Supporting Young People

Black Organisations Supporting Young People

Organisations supporting African and Caribbean young people. Most are founded by black individuals or groups.  Some are founded by English individuals for the good of the black community.  You are invited to visit their websites, Contact, Donate or Get involved:

100 Black Men of London

100 Black Men of London www.100bml.org   Registered charity no:1105904 – Education, development and uplifting of our youth and the wider community.

Access UK

Access UK www.accessuk.org.   Registered Charity No. 1158103. Employment and careers support service for minority youths aged 16-30 particularly African Caribbean community.

                                                                                                                          Amos Bursary

Amos Bursary www.amosbursary.org.uk . Charity number: 1120529. The Amos Bursary was set up to address the under representation in established higher education institutions and the professions, of young British men of African and Caribbean Descent. We provide the support to ensure each student moves from potential to performance.

Generating Genius

Generating Genius http://www.generatinggenius.org.uk  Charitable registration number 1154828 supports talented young people to realise their potential in STEM.

Godwin Lawson Foundation

The Godwin Lawson Foundation – http://www.godwinlawsonfoundation.org  Registered Charity Number: 1149989. Aims to reduce gun and knife crime.

The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust

The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust  – http://www.stephenlawrence.org.uk  Registered Charity Number: 1102267

Key 4 Life

Key 4 Life work with ex-offenders and gangs – http://www.key4life.org.uk/
Charity No. 1152426


A project set up to be the childine for gangs. – http://www.gangsline.com/

Reach Society

The Reach Society –  www.reachsociety.com  Social Enterprise that encourages, motivates and inspires black boys and young black men to realise their potential and make viable transitions into adult life.

Manhood Academy

Manhood Academy Rites of Passage Programme for Black Boys –  www.manhoodacademy.co.uk

 Origin Rites of Passage

 Origin Rites of Passage Programme for Black Boys  – www.ritesofpassage.uk.com

Rainmakers Worldwide

Rainmakers Worldwide – http://www.rainmakersworldwide.org.uk/

Westside Young Leaders Academy

Westside Young Leaders Academy –  www.wylauk.com  Instilling the tenets of success in our leaders at an early age, creating an awareness and understanding of the opportunities that exist for their lives.

Southtside Young Leaders Academy

Southside Young Leaders Academy – www.syla.org  Through personal development, teamwork and skills training, inspire boys to be agents of change in their own lives and become the next generation of young black leaders.

Eastside Young Leaders Academy

Eastside Young Leaders Academy –  www.eyla.org.uk  Enable students, especially BME boys, to do well at school and go on to become transformational leaders and global citizens.

National Association of Black Supplementary Schools (NABSS)

National Association of Black Supplementary Schools (NABSS)  – www.nabss.org.uk  Resource centre for supplementary schooling for Black children. Advice and services for parents and schools.

                                                                                                                        Black Families Education Support Group

Black Families Education Support Group –  www.blackfamilies.org.uk

                                                                                                                          Super You Academy

Super You Academy – www.superyouacademy.com  Delivering valuable training to unlock the potential in young people of all ages. Life skills and workshops on low self-esteem and confidence building.

                                                                                                                          African Sons and Daughters

African Sons and Daughters – www.africansonsanddaughters.com

                                                                                                                          The Black Child Agenda

The Black Child Agenda –  Tackling the school to prison pipeline. www.cherylphoenix.com

                                                                                                                          Ultra Education

Ultra Education –  https://ultra.education  Ensuring that all children and young people regardless of background or social standing have access to essential entrepreneurial education.


Fathers2Father www.father2father.co.uk  Supporting and providing adolescent boys, fathers and their families with mentorship, information, advice and guidance that will enhance their personal, social and economic development.
