“Black Economics says
This article below was written to try and dissuade schools and other organisations from educating or training their students or staff about anti-racism and unconscious bias. It is clearly written from a right wing perspective – and we are not here for it.
However – for educational purposes we have included it on this website.
It comes from the same playbook of what Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida, USA. He seems to want to black history education in schools, and this has ended up with groups and books being banned. What kind of authoritarian society are we expected to put up with. Are we moving backwards in time?
So the headline screamed – “Anger as pupils are tested about ‘white privilege”. Sorry – but who is angry? The racists? Children discover white privilege very early on in life. They just do not give it a name.
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Anger as pupils are tested about ‘white privilege’ with a report warning that schools are being taken over by organisations teaching ‘anti-racism’ theories
Schools are being taken over by organisations teaching anti-racism theories
Children in some schools are taking part in tests to check their unconscious bias
First PUBLISHED: 20:51, 11 July 2023 by The Mail newspaper
Schools are being taken over by organisations teaching controversial ‘anti-racism’ theories, a report warned yesterday. (OH PLEASE – EXAGGERATION IS TOO MILD TO DESCRIBE THIS STATEMENT)
In some classrooms, pupils are taking part in tests to check their ‘unconscious bias’, according to campaign group Don’t Divide Us. (WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT)
In the online surveys, children are asked if they understand the term ‘white privilege’ and what they would do if a teacher mispronounces the name of a Middle Eastern student.
Staff are then given advice by external provider Flair on how they can make their school more inclusive, such as by introducing a ‘restorative justice approach’ for those involved in telling offensive jokes or ‘micro-aggressions’.
Flair is one of dozens of third-party organisations providing staff training or lesson content based on contentious ‘critical race theory’, which teaches the concept of white privilege and brands Britain structurally racist.
(Black Economics says – we hope FLAIR gets many more bookings through the publicity caused by this misguided article trying to stir up race hatred.)
Schools are being taken over by organisations teaching controversial ‘anti-racism’ theories, a report by campaign group Don’t Divide Us warned.
It said this means schools are routinely breaking the Education Act, which requires headteachers to forbid ‘the promotion of partisan political views’ and to ensure a ‘balanced presentation of opposing views’.
Report author Alka Sehgal Cuthbert said: ‘This is more than a few rogue teachers and dodgy lessons.
‘The profession is being racialised: teachers are encouraged to see their professional development not in educational terms, but in terms of how ‘race aware’ they are. (This is only one of the many strands on PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Are they also complaining about sexism, gay rights, agism, health education or better teaching methods. No they are not causing teachers to be racialised.)
Pupils are taking part in tests to check their ‘unconcious bias,’ the report showed. Pupils are taking part in tests to check their ‘unconcious bias,’ the report showed
‘Pupils’ success is also being redefined in racial terms – how good an ally they are if white, and, if you’re non-white, how well you spot and report micro-aggressions. (Black Economics SAYS – NOT TRUE. It is about time this happened. Being quietly non racist has not helped the cause against racism)
‘These beliefs, rooted in theories of ‘critical social justice’, are anti-educational because they encourage intellectual conformity rather than curiosity; and they are anti-ethical because they deny our common humanity, and treat children and young people as if they were adult citizens. This is an abdication of responsibility.’ (Black Economics SAYS – NOT TRUE. It provides young people with both sides of the story)
The report calls for an independent review of third-party organisations that provide lessons on race.
A similar inquiry into sex education was ordered by Rishi Sunak earlier this year following concerns that children are being taught inappropriate material, while parents are being prevented from seeing it. Flair was contacted for comment.