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How Minerals Industry Is Responding to the Pandemic


Can The Minerals Industry Get Things Back On Track?

COVID-19 has stripped people and businesses of their livelihoods and the Mineral industry was no exception to its torrential downpour.

The impact on the sector is ongoing however we’ve come to a point where the response to the impact is the next step. Thanks to professionals each day come with a more enlightening outlook. Now that things are getting back on track, and we’ve entered regeneration instead of hibernation how will these assaults on the industry be rectified? 

There have already been solutions put in motion but let’s first take a look at how the industry has exactly be affected.



How Has It Impacted The Industry?

So how exactly has the pandemic taken a toll on the  Mineral industry across the globe? Like professional Adam Ferrari revealed in his statement in this article http://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/07/25/2067558/0/en/Adam-Ferrari-Comments-on-How-the-Coronavirus-Outbreak-Has-Impacted-Oil-and-Gas-Companies.html the pandemic has had a major impact on the market that has resulted in a decreased demand for the minerals business. So what efforts are being made to rectify the situation?

Now onto some responses from the industry.

Health & Safety

Like any other industry, they are committed to implementing the proper protocols to keep everyone involved safe. There has been criticism over keeping certain sites open despite the pandemic however they feel that it’s essential to keeping the industry alive.

Each site and building requires a temperature check and constant social distancing to remain operational. For the most part access to care services for both mental and physical health are also being offered.

Remote Work

Like the rest of the world, plenty of mineral and mining companies have opted to venture through the remote lifestyle. While as you can imagine doesn’t work perfectly, departments that work with for example customers can still function.

Other departments that have moved to an online capacity include:

  • Monitoring
  • Maintenance
  • Tech support
  • HR

This way customers are still able to have their accounts and assets under control as best as possible.

Supporting The Workers

One of the biggest things the industry has done is joining forced. Joined forces to spread one message – that this industry is needed and will be essential post-pandemic life. Meaning that the industry must be preserved now.

This industry is essential to a greener tomorrow and therefore has been receiving the support it needs from the government and everyone involved. Their number one priority remains supporting their workers both in their health and financial needs.

For example, sites are continuously being closed down permanently and temporarily which means the workers have become the companies number one priority. Without the workers, there is no industry post-pandemic.

What’s Next

Taking it day by day is the main effort right now. There is no telling what the future holds for the Mineral Industry however what is known is that is essential to the world’s future. The Industry has made it clear it will continue its effort to support the workers while promoting its message and keeping itself afloat.