Home Black Wealth Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home


Wealthy African Americans are more likely than their non-black counterparts to donate to charity and to feel responsible for assisting adult family members financially, according to Wealth in Black America. The survey by financial company Northern Trust polled African Americans with household incomes of at least $250,000 or a minimum of $1 million in investable assets.

Types of Organizations Financially Contributed to in 2009
                                           BLACK    NON-BLACK
Educational Institutions                     52%       39%
Religious Organizations                      48%       44%
Human Resources Organizations                47%       38%
Health Organizations                         34%       38%
Environmental-Animal Organizations           29%       36%
Art-Culture-Humanities                       27%       26%
International Organizations                  20%       18%
Other                                        11%       17%
None of the Above                             8%       16%
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Blacks Supporting Family Members
             2010   2008
Parents       52%    61%
Children      50%    24%
Siblings      32%    42%
Nieces or     21%    13%
Cousins       18%    30%
Other          8%     6%
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COPYRIGHT 2011 Gale, Cengage Learning