Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)

The small group of women who organized the Sorority were conscious of a privileged position as college-trained women of color, just one generation removed...

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society

Our Mission The Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc. (AAHGS) strives to preserve African-ancestored family history, genealogy, and cultural diversity by teaching research techniques and...

Africare, Inc

Africare is a Four-Star Rated, African-American founded development organization that improves the quality of life of people in Africa. More than 95% of our project staff are...

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)

Heritage Zion Methodism grew out of the merciless enslavement of our African forefathers. They were kidnapped from their native land, chained, shackled, and shipped as...

A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)

Since 1963, A Better Chance has been opening the door to educational opportunities for thousands of young people of color in this nation.  Our...

Make smart investments by taking a serious look at your finances

Make this a year filled with smart investments by taking a serious look at your finances and thinking about your goals. The best way...

Liberians Welcome Nobel Award For President Sirleaf As A Boost For Peace

Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, enthusiastically welcomed the Nobel Peace Prize award on Friday, describing it as recognition for years of fighting for democracy in...

Economic Growth Key to Improving Africa

A negative reputation has followed Africa since the bulk of the nations on that continent won independence from colonial occupation. Poverty, disease, hunger, war...

Brazil Announces Major Africa Investment Plan

Recently, Brazil pledged major investments and a transfer of technology to Africa in order to repay a "solidarity debt" they have with Africa. According to...

Female African Entrepreneurs Visit US, Get Business Advice

Fashion designer Tanya Aab says she feels lucky: Few businesswomen from Swaziland can travel to the United States to learn how to build their...