LeBron James, open book

This huge Basketball Star - Lebron James, credits READING for making him calmer during playoffs Updated: June 21, 2012, 6:18 PM ET By Michael Wilbon | ESPN.com Can we call off this silly LeBron Hating now? He's not only about to win an NBA championship, which...
Sick of their living conditions, Nairobi's poorest are suing their plutocrat landlords for the right to their land DANIEL HOWDEN WEDNESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 When bulldozers came to demolish Yophinalis Nyakundi's home five years ago, there was nothing he could do to...
  Every person can support a black owned business without seeming biased?  After the initial curiosity when a new business opens, are you in it for the long haul? As a customer, will you  support, no matter what or  are...
Author and civil rights activist James Baldwin goes back to his Deep South roots 25 years after the civil rights movement ended to see what has changed. He finds out the US government was keen to suppport voter registration...
Blending The Gospel with Economic Empowerment Messages.  Here is a great example for churches and other religious organisations. VIDEO Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Bishop TD Jakes, forever Jones, & more. Highlights through Friday July 15, 2011.
Part 2 of Dr Kunjufu's lecture on Black Economics (August 2011) VIDEO
Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu (Swahili for dependable and cheerful) is a renowned educator. As president of African American Images (a communications company based in Chicago, Illinois), he is constantly on the lecture circuit conducting over  workshops, addressing students, parents, teachers,...
Malcom X - the original expert on Black Economics. The purpose of this video is for Black people and the oppressed living in America to pool our wealth and resources and accomplish great economic gains and eventually controlling our...


A trailer for TV series on the Economics of black communities in Chicago.  Filmed in 2008. VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOea487Fj0o


  We would like to extend a warm welcome to visitors to this website.  This is the section 2 area of the website.  The original site with all its great information is still available here. All articles or video added since...