Home Black Wealth The Story Of A Hard Working Forex Trader – Akil Stokes

The Story Of A Hard Working Forex Trader – Akil Stokes


Akil Stokes, a hard working Forex trader shares the key to his success in trading in a podcast.

Akil started right out of college, being unemployed. Today, he can be found almost everywhere online, teaching traders how to succeed in trading.

Everything changed for Akil upon filling up a free assessment from Trade Empowered (still available today!). At the time, the lack of structure in his trading made his results inconsistent. This lead him to enter the training program offered by Trade Empowered.

Later, as someone passioned by helping others, he joined Trade Empowered to help traders and provide them with what they need to succeed. What made Akil Stokes successful is without any doubts his competitive spirit. Having been involved in sports, he knows that hard work, and not giving up ultimately lead to success.

So many things were covered in the podcast including:

  • Akil’s story as a struggling trader
  • The key to backtest effectively
  • What’s in Akil’s Trading Library
  • What’s a hard working Forex trader
  • His one sentence of advice for traders
  • And much more…

Details of the podcast can be found here…

Below is Akil describing himself and his journey.

“Hi, my name’s Akil Stokes and I’m a professional trader who’s story is similar to many others.  When first learning about trading I remember juggling 3 jobs  while at the same time working to complete my graduate studies. My typical schedule consisted of working with special needs children in a local elementary school during the day, coaching collegiate track in the afternoons, and moonlighting as a janitor at night in order to keep the lights on and the water running. Every and any extra minute I had was devoted to learning the trading game.

I guess you can say that I’ve been in the trenches just like you and have experienced the struggles and obstacles that traders face on a daily basis. What separated me from most traders is that I had a belief in my potential and the willingness to take action. Trading is now MY BUSINESS and having mastered the skill I can now leads hundreds of traders in their path to prosperity.

You can spend countless hours searching the internet for information on indicators and oscillators, you can follow the chat forums and try every “New Super-Secret Awesome System” out there, but these things do not lead to success. When you make a decision to invest in your future and truly learn the skill of trading the rewards from your efforts can be limitless.

I firmly believe that success begins in the mind and in the heart. Without the desire and will to become successful, you are lost. Good things just don’t happen and success doesn’t just come because you tell yourself you want it to. It takes action as well. A lot of people use the excuse of people getting lucky when they accomplish their dreams. What’s not taken into account is the position that the person spent days, months, or years putting themselves in that allowed them to take advantage of when an opportunity arrived.”