Home Development Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America, Inc

Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America, Inc


Introducing the OICA.
OICA’s Mission
OICA’s mission is to continue to be the nation’s leader in providing quality education, training, employment, and housing services through a national network of local affiliated organizations enabling economically disadvantaged people of all races and backgrounds to become productive fulfilled members of the American society.

OICA’s Philosophy
The OIC philosophy of “Self Help” and the system of developing the “whole person” enables individuals to become self-sufficient, productive workers. OIC prepares people for today’s workforce with quality life skills development, fundamental education, job skills training and employment readiness.
OICA’s Objectives

  • To train or retrain millions of men and women with untapped talents and unknown skills, who are unemployed and underemployed.
  • To involve the total community in the awareness of the value of preparation, thereby stimulating and inspiring individuals to seek higher levels of productivity, creativity and achievement.
  • To develop among our trainees and associates a sense of increased economic security.
  • To foster and nurture a sense of self-pride which will give the trainees confidence in themselves and enable them to participate with dignity in the total society.
  • To stimulate loyalty and pride in the community…a sense of goodwill involving all religious, racial, cultural, economic, political and other groups.
  • To adapt the training program to meet the challenge of changing technological advances and current needs.
  • To develop an awareness of each person’s relationships and responsibilities to humanity, along with the ability to act in a constructive manner in the community, and the world. Hence, OIC will seek to develop the “whole person.”