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Dawn Grant BSc PGCE Lola Hu
Founder & EditorAdministrator
Entrepreneur, Author, Tech Professional, Designer. Mathematician.
Owns Webs Design, Tech and Marketing Business: UpTechMds.com
(Upwards Tech Marketing & Digital Solutions)

Marketing Associate and Writer.

Africa Correspondent
Alf AllenVonley Joseph
Advisory Board MemberAdvisory Board Member
Management Consultant in IT/Telecoms, Procurement, Tender Management and business process improvement initiatives.
Alf has worked very successfully with several high profile organisations across different sectors, including Retail, Finance & Banking, IT & Telecommunications.

Also owns: Secure Cybersecurity Hosting
Cloudsol Enterprise Grade Security
Owner of SOSI - Supporting enterprise growth, SOSI focuses on selling the product or service for startups and existing businesses to generate growth. Sosi Innovation
Owner of College:
Global Educ8tions
Currently doing a Phd
Leilani Patricia Livingston BA
Corporate LiaisonAdvisory Board Member
Business Analyst, Product Consultant,
ACA Accountant
Has worked with top Fintech Companies
Hair & Beauty Expert
Lecturer / Assessor.
Co-founder of Community organisation
Restore Communities

Also Owns - Hair Salon Business - Images
Ruby Estelle LLBSarah Mook BA
Social Media & Communications SecretaryAdvisory Board Member
Junior Entertainment Lawyer and Fashion ModelSystemic Constellations Facilitator and Freelance Trainer
Timothy Nyarko
Timothy is an entrepreneur from the UK, with expertise in Social Media Marketing, E-commerce and Investing. His plethora of skills has allowed him to travel and speak across the UK to encourage and teach others.
@TimothyNyarko (Instagram)