Home Black History Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society


Our Mission

The Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc. (AAHGS) strives to preserve African-ancestored family history, genealogy, and cultural diversity by teaching research techniques and disseminating information throughout the community. Our primary goals are to promote scholarly research, provide resources for historical and genealogical studies, create a network of persons with similar interests, and assist members in documenting their histories.

Research Services

AAHGS does not provide research services. We will, however, provide suggestions on how to get started and a list of local AAHGS chapters, whose members will be happy to assist individuals personally.

Spreading the Word

The members share their knowledge and discoveries with others by conducting workshops and giving lectures at events for a wide variety of organizations. AAHGS members have worked with private and parochial school systems, Boy Scouts of America, Black Family Reunion, George Washington University’s Archives Week, Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Defense, and Justice, Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, U. S. Postal Service, National Park Service, and other historical and genealogical organizations.