Home Business Tips Top Ways for Black Artists to Turn Their Book Ideas Into Manuscripts

Top Ways for Black Artists to Turn Their Book Ideas Into Manuscripts


It can be tough for black artists to get their work published. A few things they can do to increase their chances of success, but it all starts with having a great book idea.

Here are several tips for black artists who want to turn their book ideas into manuscripts.


Research the market

Before you start writing, it’s important to research the market and see what kinds of books are selling. This will help you determine whether your book idea has a chance of being successful. There are many ways to do this, including searching for similar titles on Amazon and other online retailers, reading industry publications, and talking to literary agents and editors.

Additionally, you can also look at successful black-owned bookstores, like Sankofa Books in Washington, D.C., to see what kinds of books they carry. Or, you can attend literary events, like the Harlem Book Fair, to get a sense of what’s popular in the black community.

Consider a Ghostwriter

If you have a great book idea, but don’t know how to write it, you can always hire a ghostwriter. This is someone who will help you develop your concept and write the book for you. Let’s say you’re looking for children’s book ghostwriters for hire, all you need to do is a quick search on the internet. However, make sure you find a reputable ghostwriter who has experience writing the type of book you want to write.

While this option will likely cost more money upfront, it could be worth it if you want to increase your chances of getting published.

Develop a strong concept

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to start developing your concept. This is where you’ll decide what your book is about and what angle you’re going to take. To do this, you’ll need to answer a few questions, such as:

  • What is the main character’s goal?
  • What is the conflict?
  • What are the stakes?
  • What is the theme?

On the other hand, your book will be much more successful if you create believable, relatable characters that readers will want to follow. To do this, you’ll need to give your characters flaws and make them human. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that your characters are diverse and representative of the black community.

Create a market analysis

This is a document that outlines the potential audience for your book, as well as the competition. It will also help you better understand what needs to be included in your book to make it successful. For example, if you’re writing a book about black history, you’ll need to make sure it’s accurate and comprehensive.

Your market analysis should also include information on how you plan to reach your target audience. For instance, if you’re writing a young adult novel, you might want to consider promoting it on social media platforms like Twitter and Tumblr.

Prepare a detailed outline

Once you have a strong concept and market analysis, it’s time to start preparing your outline. This is where you’ll decide what happens in each chapter of your book. To do this, you’ll need to brainstorm a series of events that will move the story forward and create suspense. Additionally, you’ll need to make sure your outline is logical and easy to follow.

If you get stuck, several resources can help, including books on writing and online writing forums. Try to find an outline that’s similar to the kind of book you want to write and use it as a starting point.

Write the first draft

Now that you have a solid outline, it’s time to write your first draft. This is where you’ll flesh out your characters and start putting your story together. It’s important to keep in mind that your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s better if it’s not. The goal is just to get the story down on paper.

Once you’ve written your first draft, you can start revising and editing it. This is where you’ll make sure the story is cohesive and flows well. You’ll also want to make sure your book is free of any typos or grammatical errors.

If you need help with editing, many resources can assist you, including online editing services and grammar checkers.

Find a Literary Agent

If you want to be traditionally published, one of the best things you can do is find a literary agent. A literary agent is someone who represents authors and helps them get published. They can also provide helpful feedback on your book idea and help you revise your manuscript before submitting it to publishers.

To find a literary agent, you can search online directories, such as the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR) Database. You can also attend writing conferences and events, which are often attended by literary agents.

Submit your manuscript to publishers

Once you have a finished manuscript, it’s time to start submitting it to publishers. The best way to do this is to query literary agents and see if they’re interested in representing you. If an agent is interested, they will then submit your manuscript to publishers on your behalf.

You can also submit your manuscript directly to publishers, although this is generally less successful. To find a list of publishing houses that accept unsolicited submissions, you can search online or ask fellow writers for recommendations.

Self-publish your book

If you’re having trouble finding a publisher or literary agent, you might want to consider self-publishing your book. This is where you pay to have your book printed and distributed. While this option doesn’t offer the same prestige as being traditionally published, it can still be a great way to get your work there.

Some companies offer self-publishing services, such as Amazon’s CreateSpace and IngramSpark. You’ll need to choose the option that’s right for you and your book.

And as a black author, you might want to consider submitting your book to African American-owned publishing companies, such as Black Classic Press and Third World Press.

There are several things black artists can do to increase their chances of getting their books published. The seven tips we’ve provided should help you get started. Remember, the most important thing is to have a strong concept and market analysis.

Additionally, it’s important to revise and edit your manuscript before submitting it to publishers. If you need help, several resources can assist you, including online editing services and grammar checkers.

Finally, don’t forget to query literary agents and submit your manuscript directly to publishers.