Home Business Tips Practical Reasons to Get a Franking Machine

Practical Reasons to Get a Franking Machine


In recent times, the business climate methodologies are changing quickly to ensure that it meets up with the ever-evolving technology world today. Sometimes, many of your customers do not get the desired information about your product due to a lack of a proper mailing process. There are quite a handful of tools used to achieve synergy in this regard, and the franking machine is at the top of the list.

In this post, we have listed some practical reasons to get a franking machine.

1.   Branding

For any business, branding is extremely important. You want to appear professional to your clients and entire audience each time you send delivery or mail and you can achieve this with a franking machine. Franked mails define business professionalism. At a glance, your client can get a memorable impression that distinguishes your business from your competitors. Using a franking machine allows you a great way to promote your business each time you send a mail. These benefits give your business leverage among your peers and make you several steps ahead.

2.   Permission and Control

Imagine a situation whereby a staff who is not yet skilled enough to use some office devices and makes a mess of a very critical situation as a result. Well, that has been the case of many office tools, but with a franking machine, it’s not likely to occur as this machine comes with user control, and usage permission can be monitored and controlled. All these are possible due to a franking machine’s features, which enables a passcode before sending and using the device. With this in mind, it implies that you can trace the usage and posting made to a specific user as a business owner.

3.   Posting Discounts

Here is something you probably aren’t aware of. Imagine a situation where you are trying to send a mail, and you are faced with the cost implication of that. Is the size of your mail quite bulky, and you are trying to figure out how to go about it?  Franking machines offer a discount on large mails and you can easily get one here as they are readily available. Over the years, this has helped businesses achieve a balance and gives a lot of faith to use a franking machine.

4.   Saves Time

In the business environment, time-saving is a very key factor. Your clients have a million and one things on their mind, and at the same time, you have a large dose of deliverables to make daily, especially when it comes to the mailing process.

With a franking machine, that would probably not be an issue as the device is designed to ensure that there is a very short time topping it up. That aside, the process of topping it can be done almost any time. The headache of always going to the post office is most likely nonexistent as having a franking machine means that you can make use of it any time in your mailing room and at your convenience.

5.   Helps Reduce Cost

One key aspect of a business is how to reduce cost and yet, keep standard and quality. This is achieved mainly with the use of a franking machine. During the tax return process, the availability of a franking machine helps as it has the functionality of making records of claims accurately, which will, in return, help the firm to make appropriate claims. In addition to this, using franking is more cost-friendly compared to other mailing systems.

The discount experienced in using a franking machine is possible because a handful of the costs attached with the making of items are much on the low side. Most frequent users of a franking machine enjoy better discounts, most especially if they have to send their franked mails in greater units. This method, when properly used, has ensured that business firms have larger returns and can save costs.


Regardless of technological advancements, standard mails will never go out of taste in the business environment. This is why you need to ensure that any correspondence you send out to clients represents your brand perfectly and completely. All things considered, when the efficient running of a business enterprise is considered, having a franking machine is a stress reliever. It not only helps your client get their mails on time, but it also assists in promoting your business and in the long run, increases returns and revenue!