Home Education Networking Event 23rd March 2018

Networking Event 23rd March 2018


 A networking event will be held on 23rd March, 2018 from 7pm. For those in or near London, you are invited to come and enjoy great company, meet new people and hear motivational speakers. Light refreshments will be provided.

Book your Tickets here

There will be an opportunity  to Share your Business or Career Story (if you wish).  Are you a  business owner focussed on the black community, or mainstream buyers.  Do you plan to start a business?  Or are you a high-flier in your career? Are you just starting out on the professional ladder? Are you fed-up? Are you invisible at work? Has the glass ceiling knocked you on the head yet? Get techniques for dealing with your climb to greater success.
3) Solving Business or Career Problems
Keynote Speaker – Vonley Joseph who has several businesses.  He shares his wisdom, and answers questions posed on the night. Do you have a business or career problem? He guarantees he can solve your problem.

Vonley Joseph is an extra-ordinary business man. His emphasis is Sales, Sales and more SALES.  He sets up sales teams, call centres and offers training in Sales.  He owns 7 Companies, all successful, and NO DEBT.  After hearing him speak, you will feel like you can move a mountain.
Vonley says “If I can’t solve your problem, I will give cash to compensate your coming out here tonight”
Other Topics to be covered:
Promotion Tools & Targets –  Marketing via Social Media,  We will sell your product.  Sales, Sales, Sales….  The Sales Team, and targeted Email Marketing to Millions of Decision Makers. VC preparation.

Crypto-Currencies. Should you be investing, or should we ignore the hype? Michael Young – Networking Expert shares his views.
Event Cost: £7
Time: 7pm
This event is organised by BlackEconomics.co.uk. You are invited to visit our website to see what we do.
Be a part of this positive movement that celebrates Business and Excellence and Encourages Economic Growth. All are welcomed.
Email: info@blackeconomics.co.uk
Tel. 07960 932 860
Book your ticket here…