Black Economic Aspirations and Achievement Recognition
1) Mentoring Youths, Gang Members, Gifted and Talented, Coasting Youths.
Many young people need an additional Adult figure / Father figure or “Auntie” in their lives, and this can help to turn their lives around. If one responsible adult took on one young person – could it be the project which causes a sea change in young mindsets? It may mean getting to know the mother or father and helping to build bridges.
Some adults might have the capacity to take on 2 or 3 youngsters, and look out for their wellbeing.
Volunteers will be working alongside Sheldon Thomas, founder of Gangsline. Sheldon will provide the necessary training and guidelines.
This is Sheldon’s website –
gangsline.comThe Management team involved with this roll out would include Social Workers,Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Community Workers..
Please complete the following form – the link is given below.
Email – if you want to support fathers..
3) Black Economic Members List –
Use The App
The App Lists over 1200 black owned business.
4) John Lewis Pop Up Store. Want space next year, contact us.
5) Education in Africa – Want to help – contact us.
6) Business Push – in Africa and the Caribbean
7) Mentoring Business – Assist with Growth;
Business Friendship Groups
Provide internship positions.
Do you know someone who needs an internship.
8) Spend Black
Black Friday for us needs to mean Support Black-owned Businesses
ACES 2020 Recommendation
Conference recommendations will be compiled from the contents.
We will email these out to every attendee next week.